

Maynard Holliday: Robotics Expert

Throughout his 25+ year career, Maynard Holliday worked on groundbreaking robotics projects and technology. His work includes the design of high-resolution automated target positioners for laser fusion experiments, sensors for tactical mobile robots, vision systems for RPG detection in Iraq, micro UAV navigation, design of in radiation-hardened robots for Chernobyl remediation, and advanced high definition vision systems for surgical robots.

Recently, Maynard explored innovative ways of how state and local governments consider approaching operational design domains for automated vehicles. These robotics technology applications continue to revolutionize the industry, save lives, and make the world a better, safer place for us all.


Sony Aibo
Evolution Robotics

Evolution Robotics successfully commercialized the SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm for use in Aibo to recognize patterns that triggered various behaviors and also helped DARPA advance defense technology programs.

Watch the video to learn more about Maynard’s technological applications of the Sony Aibo at Evolution Robotics.


PR2 Robot Willow Garage

Willow Garage was a robotics research lab and technology incubator devoted to developing hardware and open source software for personal robotics applications. The company was best known for its open-source software suite ROS (Robot Operating System), a common, standard tool among robotics researchers and industry since its initial release in 2010.

Watch the video to learn more about Maynard’s contributions to the PR2 Robot at Willow Garage.


Intuitive Surgical

Intuitive Surgical Is recognized as a world leader in telerobotic minimally invasive surgery.

Watch the video to learn more about Maynard’s contributions to the DaVinci Surgical Robot at Intuitive Surgical.

robotics initiatives

Robot Garden

Maynard is a co-founder of Robot Garden, the robotics-themed hackerspace in Livermore, California.

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Black In Robotics Logo Maynard Holliday

Black in Robotics

Maynard is a co-organizer of Black in Robotics where he currently serves as the Industry co-lead.